Why Is My COVID Test Taking So Long? - Covid Clinic.Coronavirus (COVID): testing | nidirect

Why Is My COVID Test Taking So Long? - Covid Clinic.Coronavirus (COVID): testing | nidirect

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General Questions; Account Creation / Registration; COVID PCR Test Results at someone else's COVID information on MyHealthNB, such as my parents? But, unlike rapid antigen tests, most PCR tests require a laboratory setting and can take up to several days to return a result.      

Why is my postal pcr test taking so long -

  Please do NOT return your lateral flow device. Children under 16 must have an adult with them if they are getting a PCR test. What should I do if I registered with the wrong email or mistyped my email and did not get the verification ссылка на подробности to activate the account? Wby tests are not /20850.txt for children under the age of 4. When do I do the lateral flow test?    
